Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Why are you facing "neck pain" ?

Neck pain is the impact to feel uncomfortable in the neck area . It results from the upset of any of the structure in the  neck including nerves , thyroid , gland , muscles , cervical vertebrae etc 

Need causes of Neck pain ?

Here are the causes of this problem :-

(1) Strains in muscles is one of the cause of neck pain . Too much setting in front of the computer can bring strains in your muscles 

(2) Certain diseases may also be causes of neck pain which include cancer , anxiety , cervical , weakness in your shoulder , poor posture and so on 


(3) If you are sleeping with your neck in bad position that's mean you are inviting neck pain . You mus improve this to avoid neck problem 

(4)If you are jerking your neck during exercises , you may also suffer from neck pain 

Some additional causes :-

(6) If you hunched over your smart phone for too many hours , it is another form of your neck pain 

(7) Any injury can also be cause of neck pain like  car accidents  , sports injury , where the muscles of your neck are forced to go outside of their normal position. 

 Now Say "GOOD BYE" to neck pain . Read this also  


Friday, December 20, 2019

Are you irritating with unwanted weight gain ??

Want to know tips of unwanted weight gain ?

(1) If you drink too much sweetened drinks and alcohol, you are calling unwanted weight gain. So you should leave this bad habit, even you should have sugar free tea.  

(2) Physical activity plays an important role to stop unwanted weight gain. So include it in your life schedule. Walk 15-30 minutes daily with smile which will help to burn calories. Walking only 1 mile is equal to burn 100 calories. 


(3) When it comes to stop unwanted weight gain, choose an effective exercise. Add 2000 steps a day in your daily routine and burn calories. Cycling is one of the best options to keep your body fit and loose weight quickly. 


(4) Always go to your bed on time and take a Good night sleep every night. Take your dinner 2 hours before you sleep and walk for half an hour before go to bed. Sleep on time and wake up on time is the first step to stop unwanted weight gain. .

 Some others tips to overcome this problem :-

(5) Add suitable fiber in your food which helps you to reduce fat quickly. Fiber help you to keep your tummy full for long time as it improve yours appetite. But if you are taking too much fiber in your food without exercise, there may be also some side effects. So exercise is also important with fiber . 

(6)If you like milk, take only fat free milk which will definitely help you to stop unwanted weight gain and cholesterol also. .

(7) Never skip breakfast to stop your weight gain. Add protein in your breakfast and feel fit whole day . 

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Are you irritating with unwanted weight gain ??

Want to know causes of unwanted weight gain ?

Here are the causes of this problem :-

(1) Excess consumption of sugar changes the harmones in human body ,which results unwanted weight gain or Diabetes also. 

(2) Medication can be a main cause of unwanted weight gain. Some Medicines produce several pounds of side effects to human body. So it's necessary to consult doctor before taking any medicine.


(3) Addiction of watching too much television results an inactive lifestyle. While Watching television, we often used to eat crispy snacks, chocolates or other junk foods which results unwanted weight gain. 


(4) If you are gaining unwanted weight continually, their can also be kidney Problem, If the kidneys are not working properly the body can retain Fluid, results weight gain.

(5) Thyroid can also be a reason of an unwanted weight gain. Thyroid is a disease Which may slow down the metabolism that cause weight gain. So if you are Gaining unwanted weight, you should visit laboratory to test Thyroid. 

Some additional causes :-

(6) Junk foods are also responsible for unwanted weight gain. Some junk foods' manufacturing companies make their food Too tasty to increase their sale or profit which results overgorge.

(7) If you are awaking late nights, you are calling unwanted weight gain so lack of sleep can be a reason of excess weight gain. 


Friday, November 29, 2019

  1. Take your temperature and assess your symptoms. ...
  2. Stay in bed and rest.
  3. Keep hydrated. ...
  4. Take over-the-counter medications like acetaminophen and ibuprofen to reduce fever. ...
  5. Stay cool. ...
  6. Take tepid baths or using cold compresses to make you more comfortable.
For more information visit our website http://www.thefirstmedical.com/

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Are you facing diabetes ?
Do you need tips to remain evade from diabetes ?

Don't worry we are here to give you the best tips to get away from diabetes:-
1) Loss extra weight
2)Monitor your blood sugar level regularly
3)Track your carbohydrates
4) Control your blood pressure
5) Keep an eye on cholesterol level

6) Control your triglyceride levels.
7) Manage stress
8) Keep moving
9) Make an appointment with doctor regularly.

Just visit and register yourself at thefirstmedical.com

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

People used to eat junk foods in these days due to unawareness.
As we know obesity and weight are one of the major issue in these days and it is heatable issues around all of us.
thefirstmedical.com brings some tips to loose your weight

1) Start strength training
2) Do exercise regularly
3) Don't eat much junk foods
4) Eat soluble fiber
5) Drink coffee or tea

Additionally, there are another benefits also of exercise which we can't deny so just see this image carefully.
6) Eat a high-protein breakfast
7) Avoid sugary drinks and fruit juice
8) Drink water a half hour before meals

FOR MORE INFORMATION JUST VISIT OUR WEBSITE AND REGISTER                                                  YOURSELF AT
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