Friday, November 29, 2019

  1. Take your temperature and assess your symptoms. ...
  2. Stay in bed and rest.
  3. Keep hydrated. ...
  4. Take over-the-counter medications like acetaminophen and ibuprofen to reduce fever. ...
  5. Stay cool. ...
  6. Take tepid baths or using cold compresses to make you more comfortable.
For more information visit our website

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Are you facing diabetes ?
Do you need tips to remain evade from diabetes ?

Don't worry we are here to give you the best tips to get away from diabetes:-
1) Loss extra weight
2)Monitor your blood sugar level regularly
3)Track your carbohydrates
4) Control your blood pressure
5) Keep an eye on cholesterol level

6) Control your triglyceride levels.
7) Manage stress
8) Keep moving
9) Make an appointment with doctor regularly.

Just visit and register yourself at

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

People used to eat junk foods in these days due to unawareness.
As we know obesity and weight are one of the major issue in these days and it is heatable issues around all of us. brings some tips to loose your weight

1) Start strength training
2) Do exercise regularly
3) Don't eat much junk foods
4) Eat soluble fiber
5) Drink coffee or tea

Additionally, there are another benefits also of exercise which we can't deny so just see this image carefully.
6) Eat a high-protein breakfast
7) Avoid sugary drinks and fruit juice
8) Drink water a half hour before meals

FOR MORE INFORMATION JUST VISIT OUR WEBSITE AND REGISTER                                                  YOURSELF AT
Are you irritating from regular ailments ?
Are you still waiting for good guidelines ?
Do you need symptoms and causes of your problem ?

  Don't worry we are bringing these facilities at your mobile screen.  Just visit to know these contents, We are updating our contents regularly for you . Not only this , even we have doctors so that you can make online appointment with our doctors to clear your doubts.
Our website contain almost all issues with proper tips to overcome these issues 
So why are you getting late......??